
How To Set Up A Toad Tank

I am an experienced twenty-four hour period gecko breeder and tree frog keeper who takes interest in the biological sciences.

American toads are very common and easy to keep in captivity.

American toads are very common and easy to keep in captivity.

If you wish to proceed a wild toad for a pet, you have to find out start whether you lot tin actually do and then legally. Since laws vary from land to country and state to state, it is incommunicable to give a simple answer here. Notwithstanding, finding toads that can legally exist taken from the wild and be kept as pets should non be too hard wherever you alive. Even Massachusetts, a country that has very strict laws about the keeping of wild animals, allows American toads and Fowler's toads to be kept as pets, as long equally you limit yourself to two individuals.

Before y'all decide to proceed that toad you lot found in your back thousand or on a camping trip, you must brand sure that you place its species. For instance, many states outlaw the keeping of the Colorado River toad, Incilius alvarius, because of the psychoactive substances these toads synthesise. In the United kingdom, the common toad Bufo bufo is fine for a pet only the natterjack toad, Epidalea calamita, is strictly protected. However, they are at present and so rare that's highly unlikely that you volition find one in your garden.

Where to Find Wild Toads

Although they are amphibians, toads are less closely associated with bodies of water than frogs. They will oft but go most water to breed. Hence it is quite usual to find wild toads in your back yard or in a park. The most likely type you lot will notice is the common American toad, Bufo americanus, if you are in the Usa, or the common toad, Bufo bufo, if you are in Europe.

Murphy's constabulary dictates that fifty-fifty if you were tripping over toads in your dorsum k on a daily basis, at present that you are actually looking, you will not be able to find one. Like nigh amphibians, they like to hide, and you might need to look under some stones or leaf litter. Nonetheless, I am sure that with a little bit of perseverance you volition be able to locate 1. Information technology is really better to find a juvenile, which is more likely to adapt quickly to a life in captivity than an adult toad.

When's the best time to find a toad?

The best times to look for toads is in the bound later on heavy rains, although you can probably locate them in the summertime and fall. Toads hibernate in winter so it is unlikely that you will come across one when it gets really cold and the ground freezes.

If you find toad eggs, you might want to read Caring for Tadpoles From Egg to Froglet.

What Do Toads Eat?

Toads are ravenous insectivores and will readily consume whatever invertebrate that fits into their mouths. Although in that location might exist a temptation to collect slugs and worms from outside to feed your pet amphibian, in that location is always a danger of introducing diseases or pesticides. In the end, information technology might be more convenient to obtain crickets and other feeder insects bred specifically for amphibian- and reptile-keepers.

In general, the same principles use as when feeding frogs: Crickets will probably form the majority of your toad's diet. The crickets should be gut-loaded on carrots and other fruits and vegetables before putting them into the terrarium. You should likewise apply a calcium and vitamin D supplement to ensure all your toad'south mineral needs are met.

What to Feed Your Pet Toad

  • Live crickets (preferably gut-loaded and dusted with calcium and vitamins). Most pet stores stock these.
  • Live mealworms or wax worms (besides available at pet stores).
  • Depending on what type of toad you have, it might swallow fruits and vegetables (cut into small pieces). But all toads prefer to consume live insects.
It is illegal to collect the highly endangered natterjack toad in the UK.

It is illegal to collect the highly endangered natterjack toad in the UK.

Toad Habitat

After yous've defenseless a toad, you'll need to provide it with appropriate housing.

How much space does a toad need?

Most toads are quite sedentary, spending a lot of their time burrowed in soil or hiding under a rock. Therefore, they do not need a specially big enclosure to live in. If you are keeping one of the common Bufo toads than a tank 24"x12"x12" should exist sufficient for one individual or a pair.

What type of enclosure is best?

They need to be kept in a terrarium that will go along their surroundings moist but allow adept ventilation, hence a modest fish tank is an acceptable enclosure but it must be fitted with a screen peak. To prevent the toad from escaping, brand certain the top is tightly fitted to the tank.

What else does a toad need in its surround?

Most of the furnishings required for keeping toads are similar to those for small or medium-sized terrestrial frogs. Toads like to burrow in soil or leafage litter, then requite them something they can dig in for substrate.

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What blazon of substrate works best?

  • There is quite a lot of controversy about using the soil from the location you took the toad from (as opposed to buying specialised amphibian substrates, such as coconut-husk based eco earth, etc.).
  • The danger with collecting soil from exterior to use in amphibian enclosures is that information technology may be contaminated with harmful pesticides or fertilisers. However, if your dorsum yard or park has a thriving toad population, chances are the soil there is prophylactic.
  • It is ever safest to purchase commercially produced substrates, however, and they are not expensive.
  • Avoid using gravel or other substrates which your toad might eat while hunting and which could cause intestinal impaction.

Give your toad a place to hide.

You should provide your toad with hiding places in the class of pieces of bark, branches, or rocks. You could either collect these from the location where you lot caught your toad or buy some of the commercially produced reptile hides and caves.

Do Toads Like Water?

All amphibians must have constant access to fresh water. Like frogs, toads do not actually drinkable water, simply absorb information technology through their skins.

  • Brand sure they can easily go into and out of the bowl.
  • The water must be changed daily to preclude bacterial contamination which would cause your pet to become ill.
  • The water must be dechlorinated—tap h2o could poisonous substance them.
  • Either leave the water standing for 24 hours, preferably with an airstone bubbling through it, or utilise a water dechlorinator (the aforementioned type used for aquarium fish).

Does a toad need to swim in water?

A toad does not demand to swim, but information technology might similar a soak. All that they require is a shallow basin; they are not skilful swimmers.

A Toad's Temperature and Humidity Requirements

  • Most true toads native to Europe and the United States prefer libation temperatures.
  • They will generally spend their days burrowed in soil or leaf litter and sally at dark when the temperatures are cooler.
  • They usually do well with a daytime temperature between 60–70°F.
  • Considering of their warty skins, toads need lower ambient humidity than frogs and will get enough moisture from soaking in their water bowls at nights. Even so, if your firm is particularly dry, like if you lot employ fundamental heating in winter, y'all might want to increment the humidity in the enclosure by spraying it with clean, dechlorinated h2o a few times a week.

Do I need to heat my toad's enclosure?

In full general, you will non need any special heating or lighting equipment for your enclosure, unless you lot are keeping it in an unheated room in winter where temperatures fall very depression.

This commodity is accurate and true to the all-time of the author'south noesis. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

shane on September 03, 2022:

save toads

jacob on September 03, 2022:

im taking care of a wild toad#you should love toad's

im ganna save all toad'southward on September 02, 2022:

accept intendance of your toad's

girl get on my sholder's on September 02, 2022:

protect our fellow toad's

shane/D SHON on September 02, 2022:


shane on September 02, 2022:

i found a toad in my back yard today

Biologist on Baronial 27, 2022:

I just caught my tode

Candi Miller on August 09, 2022:

Institute a med pocket-sized orange toad. Looks like a regular pee frog but orange. Quite stunning.

Hailey on August 07, 2022:

Hullo, I was outside washing my fathers large truck and i looked over and i saw this toad walking/jumping around. So i went over to the toad and i said ''Hello hopper! Ill brand y'all a nice dwelling'' so i picked him/her up and i made a home for him/her. Only i demand to know... Volition the toad 'Hopper' Die if his habitation is full of water with rocks (etc)?

Charlene987 on July 18, 2022:

Dear WTF Petsmart,

Beginning off going to Petsmart for anything other than supplies is stupid you don't get advice from teenagers who don't know what they're talking nigh. All of Petsmart'southward products (is birds, gerbils, lizards, fish etc were all built-in in small animal mills. You've heard of puppy mills? Cat mills? Same shit whether information technology's Pennsylvania or Texas these things are mass bred almost of which die because they get sick and they're blimp into a freezer (petsmart and their dealers idea of euthanasia).

Simply that being said don't blame Petsmart for these animals dying. YOU are responsible for their deaths. Yous don't accept animals out of the wild and imprison them. I don't care how much you think it's a skillful idea but information technology's ignorant and harmful to the animals as you now know. Please practice non steal animals and please do non imprison them. call up about it yourself how would you like information technology if someone took you and blimp yous into a bath and kept you there for the residual of your life. Unless you have no regard for animals other than the man animal ( you ) hopefully you lot'll wise up before you kill any more innocent lives.

WTF PETSMART on July 12, 2022:

nosotros had three wild infant toads in a tiny enclosure and wanted to get something a petty bigger because they are going to grow. We went to PetSmart for the aquarium and they also sold us a mister and heating lamp telling us information technology was the all-time conditions for them. nosotros had them for three weeks in the tiny and enclosure with no heat and a pocket-sized thing of water and they were absolutely fine, and so we set up everything PetSmart sold usa and we put them in in that location. This was yesterday. They are expressionless.

Izzi on July 12, 2022:

A toad has rented our stairs. Should we keep him at that place, or shall we usher him away? Since he'due south a Canadian Toad, should nosotros keep him as a pet?

John on June 22, 2022:

I have a American toad. I put his aquarium outside and I forgot to bring him in over the night. He escaped will he come back dwelling house? I'm stressing out.

Samuel Prentice on June 21, 2022:

A minor toad has moved into our garage and has lived with us for nigh a calendar month. He talks to united states regularly but often will go silent for a couple of days. Nosotros put a modest chapeau of water in his area. We don't run across him as he is concealed behind some garden materials and the like. He seems to feed himself as I notice many less spiders in the garage than usual. We've named him Tobi. Not certain how things will go as the summer progresses, but we've go quite attached to him. Anyone have any suggestions?

Darlene stephenson on June 04, 2022:

Are African dorf frogs morphodites? Does the women or human lay the eggs and last but not least will they swallow their young ( tadpoles) if not separated?

E on May 26, 2022:

Once, I institute a toad in my backyard. Information technology seemed pretty dried out, for a living toad, so I picked it up and brought it to a moist surface area in the yard. After virtually 2 minutes I checked on it and information technology was doing great! Now I've been thinking most getting a pet toad, and this commodity can aid me achieve the legal standards to keep a toad!

D on May 02, 2022:

I found a toad in my yard, and took care of it. we named it Explorer.

Nosotros now love our toad and are glad to finally have our pet. and I'1000 certain he's glad to take a home!

Allie on April 30, 2022:

i love toads

And I feed them on April 29, 2022:

I caught iii toads today

Leo on March 22, 2022:

Wow! I never knew there was so much stuff almost Toads!

patricia lyn brawl on October 22, 2022:

i have found this website very helpful for my toad named dorthy i institute her in my grand and i didnt know most of these thiings and so it was really helpful

Tamara on October 17, 2022:

I've found a toad in texas at my sis's home and i noticed that somthing was wrong with it . Information technology had open wounds and seems to be missing an eyeball.... well at firest i thout one of the dogs got a hold of information technology when i asked and toled my syster and her kids. Her oldest ane distressing that the child next door was shooting a litle frog a few days ago .. i asked were that one was and he pointed to the spot i found this one at ... it was all the same live ... i placed into a pocket-size box and allow information technology sock in some h2o after a few hrs i began to realy check him out i removed seven Bulletin board system out under his pare ... and left him lone ... next morning i removed a BB out hit left middle socket. Altho its bin a wek now tending to him... her hes still alive hes non out the forest however .. what can i requite him for nutrient .??? Also i lookes upward todes in texas and found i on the endangered species list that is close to what this one looks similar to sho this niggling monster'southward parents.. he was disaplened and his BB gun Destroyed notwithstanding does seem fair but .. we can merely practice and so much to a kid .. nearly this frog its a woodhouse toad.. i toled his parants its a houston toad.. anyhow what is some other ways to cair for him ???

Chantal on October 02, 2022:

I brought in a few toads from outside a twelvemonth agone. They refused to hibernate. They got past my door in the winter. I finally brought them in. I've had them three yrs. I had one that the belly turned crimson, and so did his lilliputian feet then the next day it was dead. I live in Texas. What was wrong. They are in a 50 gallon tank, h2o inverse every twenty-four hour period and they take superworms and crickets. What am I doing wrong. They even get liquid calcium in their water. ????

Kayden on September 23, 2022:

I accept a wild toad that LOVES to be pet. Does anyone know why?

Llyth on July 09, 2022:

Is at that place a difference between a wild toad and a store bought toad?

nathan on June 25, 2022:

i have a wild taod

none on May 28, 2022:

howdy I have a question how practice y'all tell its a male child or girl?

Seema on April xvi, 2022:

Howdy i have question .that how much frog relieve h2o for self within 24hours

Seema on April 16, 2022:

Howdy i accept question .that how much frog save water for self inside 24hours

katelyn on October 11, 2022:

Oh, i feed my toads which are hyprids from the Rio Grande River. They contain thousands during the summer time. So, i took a agglomeration home xix! I cared for them until they were large fast and permit me tell you lot,allthe babies i captured are more wild similar then the 1 i ran into already big. She was and is lazy. So, ihad to go on her because i figured a bird would get her or shed be hungry alot bec she lets all the toads still her worms and i take to block them away lol at present, i am done to half-dozen. I was suppose to let two more go. Is it besides late??? Oct 10th in nm. Aye, it got chilly at dark. I but need to know if i should hypernate them or do they live longer not hypernating in captivity? I read they could live up to 50 yrs in captivity only but ten+ in the wild....

jessica on May 24, 2022:

this is very helpful.

Elyse on May 08, 2022:

This is vary helpful,me and my brother similar communicable toads so i brand thangs for information technology so now i know how to care for a toad

Luna on December 13, 2022:

Do toads hide?

Carole Miller on September 12, 2022:

My husband and I found two toads while camping and decided to intendance for them until we left, just decided to bring them dwelling house. Nosotros prepare upward a terrarium in our domicile, and an boosted enclosure outside with an umbrella roofing the top to keep them prophylactic from predators. We named them Ben and Jerry, every bit they are both males. We have had them for iii months now, and they love climbing on us in the evening while nosotros sentry tv. I put them in a separate container for feeding, and they both seem to get excited when they see the container come out. They both chirp and seem very contented to exist with us. I play videos of toads in a swimming for them, and they both sing along with the video, puffing out their throats. I hope I can notice a female in the leap for them, but at 70 years erstwhile, I never thought that I could get so fastened to these darling piddling creatures. My propose to anyone considering keeping them as all you tin about food, housing, treatment, then just do it! You will fall for them every bit we did!

Melissa Pennington on July 28, 2022:

I rescued a toad in my backyard and it seems to be either deformed in his back legs or has an injury because he does not utilize them well, she/he more or less drags the backlegs. I am a commited rescuer and so it will stay with me until.. well if she is injured and heals so I will release her, if non she is stuck with me for life. All your info volition assistance me go her tank right.

Hugo on May 21, 2022:

Not convinced that your communication almost dechlorinated water is correct. Every year we collect several hundred frog and toad tadpoles that are reared (so released) in chlorinated tap h2o and are more than than happy - our death rate is nether 2%. We keep them until frogs and so release. Nosotros have been keeping a couple of toads long term - again only on chlorinated water and never a problem.

I think that common sense says that chlorinated water should be a problem - and hence the myth - but how many have washed the test as we have?

Lorelei on December 17, 2022:

Establish a toad in our unheated garage in Connecticut today. half dozen inches of snow exterior and it has been cold. The temp in garage has non been over 50 degrees F. Put water in shallow container but how tin can this toad take fabricated it so long?

Ginny on November 29, 2022:

Am I to provide during the winter? Not sure if they hibernate in the winter while in captivity. They accept meal worms from my paw. Then my question is do they hibernate inside?

Kiki on September 29, 2022:

Are toads poisoness?

Cool on July xix, 2022:

Couple days agone I found my own frog and I just want to accept intendance of information technology simply even this I let it go because it should exist exterior in the wild so if you discover a wild frog if you want to keep it go along it but if you think its wrong don't because in my non exist good cuz it might have a familybutbthis woukd mean amlotnif instill had it

potatoes on October 01, 2022:


aa lite (author) from London on April 03, 2022:

That'southward a fantastic story DJ, I actually experience that toads are underrated as pets.

DJ on March 28, 2022:

I disturbed a bufo bufo toad from hibernation in the winter whilst fishing and took it habitation considering i wasn't sure information technology would survive the winter after existence disturbed, the toad is now so tame after a few months me and my family have decided to keep it information technology'south a smashing pet and seems very intelligent

Steve Andrews from Lisbon, Portugal on December 20, 2022:

Voting up! I used to go on Common Toads equally a boy and into my teens and too they used to breed in a small swimming in my parents' back garden. I love toads and miss not seeing any here on Tenerife though there are ii species of frog, the Iberian H2o Frog (Rana perezii) and the Stripeless Tree Frog (Hyla meriodonalis).

aa lite (author) from London on Oct 16, 2022:

How-do-you-do Liza, I have to admit the common toad's charms are not immediately obvious, although they do have beautiful eyes. Personally I prefer captive bred, exotic frogs and toads from places like the Amazon rain forest, to the animals found in the wild. However people do seem to want to collect and keep toads and other amphibians, just a lot of them have no ideas about their requirements so the poor toads croak, in the sad, slangy style.

aa lite (author) from London on October xvi, 2022:

@bdegiulio, thanks! Find out from your sister what frogs she keeps. I now have a giant waxy monkey tree frog, Zoidberg, who I'm very proud of since it is still a rare frog to keep in captivity. A few years ago I kept Amazon milk frogs, but I traded them for geckos.

Lizam1 on Oct 15, 2022:

I have to admit that a toad or a frog is the terminal pet I would want to keep - just I have to acknowledge your title intrigued me, so I clicked and read. You obviously know your stuff! Still not convinced nearly having one every bit a pet though:-)

Bill De Giulio from Massachusetts on Oct 13, 2022:

Very interesting. I call up as a kid keeping frogs and toads. My sis has some exotic frogs that she keeps.

Very interesting Hub. Not bad job.

aa lite (author) from London on Oct 09, 2022:

Give thanks you both for your comments. When I was a kid I loved the idea of keeping salamanders and frogs I found in the wild at home, just my parents never allowed it. All I was permitted to keep were caterpillars!

Jessica Peri from United States on October 09, 2022:

Good advice! A lot of people, specially kids, like to take animals they notice in the wilderness, like frogs, and bring them habitation every bit pets without even knowing what they demand to survive. We get a few parents that come into our pet store asking nearly things similar this because of it. A friend really brought salamanders home from a hike and they ended up dying due to lack of proper care. Thanks for sharing this information!

Rhonda Humphreys from Michigan on October 09, 2022:

Some interesting data that I did not know virtually toads. cheers for a wonderfully written piece. Rated up, interesting and useful.

How To Set Up A Toad Tank,


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