
How To Set Up A Fruit Tray

Sentinel me make this beautiful fruit tray from first to finish!

Prepare a luscious, gorgeously bundled fruit tray on the tabular array and information technology has the power to steal the bear witness! I dear fruit trays, particularly when they are vivid, colorful, and a picayune over the top. Arranging a fruit tray comes easy for some, but if you lot're like me, information technology doesn't at all! I apply to hate doing fruit trays. For some reason, my creativity fails me when I'm expected to take a bunch of fruit and make something pretty out of it. I apply to just resort to chopping it all up and placing it in rows on a platter.

How to make a fruit tray fruit platter ideas photos

I just love the way these pineapples expect!

I threw a baby shower for my cousin a few years ago and decided it was fourth dimension that I learned a blueprint for a fruit tray and stuck with it. I hitting upward google for photos of fruit trays for inspiration and drew out my design on newspaper first (which I highly recommend instead of just winging a new design). Once I had it designed I loved it and I have never strayed from the design since. Information technology's simple, easy, and I can alter things up whenever I experience the need without the pressure of having to come up with a whole new blueprint.

The design is simple really. Create an "10" on the platter with pineapple boats and fill the empty spaces with fruit patterns and garnish with a crapload of flowers and then it looks like I know what I'yard doing. Works every fourth dimension and the crowd goes wild.

Here is a alert though, once people find out that you actually made this fruit platter get set for the requests to start pouring in. You may very well become the "fruit tray" person for every party if yous're not conscientious. Just send them the link to this post and tell them to make information technology themselves! It's so easy.

how to make a beautiful fruit tray fruit platter

Flowers make all the difference! And so cheery!

Try creating your own fruit platter design or just follow forth with me while I show yous how to create a super piece of cake fresh fruit platter fit for weddings, brunches, baby showers, you name it!

At that place are a few handy bully rules that I use when creating my fruit platters:

  1. Use a slightly smaller platter with a lip- You lot want the fruit to look bountiful and overflowing. I usually go for rectangle or circumvolve platters. Having lip on the platter holds in all those fruit juices.
  2. Use fruit that is in season- There is zilch worse than having a gorgeous fruit platter that tastes icky. Fall & winter fruit trays can exist but as pretty and spring and summertime fruit trays.
  3. Exercise all the fruit dicing first, make clean up the mess, and then practise the arranging. Information technology'south not fun trying to accommodate while you lot're cutting. Dicing fruit can be super juicy and sticky and information technology's much better to work on a clean surface. I clean upwards afterward I cut every fruit.
  4. Use FLOWERS and foliage!! Fresh flowers accept the ability to take a blah fruit tray to something scenic! Information technology's a petty tip a wedding planner gave me once and she has never lied! It makes all the difference in the world. Also the table or cutting board your fruit tray is on needs to exist decorated as well with flowers. It really makes it wait scenic! A fruit platter attack a bed of fresh-cut blooms is so pretty!
How to make a fruit tray fruit platter ideas photos

I always identify my fruit platter on a cutting lath and decorate the board as well.

Choosing flowers for a fruit tray: When choosing what flowers to apply for your fruit tray stick with safe flowers that are ok if eaten and are pesticide-free. Now, nobody is gonna be eating these bloom they are just for garnishing (or at to the lowest degree I'd hope not) but if they practice, y'all want to make sure they're non going to fall over and "go dead" (as my blood brother calls it) from some poisonous blossom. I like to employ flowers similar marigolds, pansies, and roses to name a few.  They come in all kinds of colors which is not bad. Or you tin can merely go to your local nursery and tell them you want flowers that are safe for a food brandish. They will gladly point y'all in the right direction and you lot tin can choose colors to become with your theme. Notation: Some of the flowers I used in the video are not recommended. I created this fruit tray for video purposes only so as presently as I was done taking pics of the tray, the flowers came off and the fruit went into a container.

How to make a beautiful fruit tray

Course fruit platter, fruit tray


  • one pineapple
  • one small watermelon
  • 1 cantaloupe
  • 1 love dew melon
  • blueberries
  • cherry grapes
  • fresh florals (food prophylactic and edible)
  • Make sure all fruit has been washed and scrubbed cleaned.

  • Cutting the pineapple in half and then in fourths. Exit the stem intact so that each section still has stem on it.

  • Cut the pineapple flesh from the peel.

  • Dice the pineapple flesh into 1/2 inch or smaller sized triangles and accommodate the triangles back onto the pare. Set up aside.

  • Cut the watermelon in half. Cut each half into fourths. Remove flesh from rind. Piece the watermelon into fifty-fifty, ane/2 inch triangles. Set aside.

  • Piece the cantaloupe in half. Discard the seeds. Cutting into fourths and remove the mankind from the rind. Dice into small, uniform cubes.

  • Echo the in a higher place step with the honeydew melon. Set aside.

  • ASSEMBLY Time!

  • Place the 4 pineapple boats on each corner of the platter so that information technology creates empty sections. The steam should be hanging over the edge of the platter.

  • On the shorter ends of the platter, adjust the watermelon slices along the outter border.

  • Next add a row of diced cantaloupe and honeydew melon.

  • Placed blueberries in the corners to fill in any gaps.

  • On the longer ends of the platter, place a row of catelope and honeydew melon until all gaps are filled in.

  • Add together blueberries along the sides.

  • In the center of the platter, place a vine of cascading grapes. This will fill in the eye space.

  • Add together flowers in the middle and forth the edges of the platter.

  • Likewise add flowers on the table or board the fruit tray will exist on.

  • Cover with plastic wrap until fix to serve.

Fresh flowers add that romantic, exotic affect so use them..a lot!
Use whatever fruit tickles your fancy! These are just my favs!
Keep a wet washcloth and dry towel handy. Cutting fruit is messy!


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